Here at Sparrow Analytics SA, we have some great news for the coming month. June is likely to be our month.
After more than 2.5 years of research and development, we can finally present our vision in every city or urban area. Of course, this is not possible without proper certification and calibration.
We are pleased to announce that our improved sensor design has been tested and calibrated by one of the highest caliber professionals:
Version 2.0 of Multi-Micro Sensor Device (MMSD) by Sparrow is tested and calibrated in the climate chamber newly developed by METAS. Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology. Calibration is vital for air pollution sensors to deliver reliable data from measurements. We thank METAS for its excellent support and professional assistance.
Special thanks go to Céline Pascale and Georgi Tancev for their continued support and professional work.
In summary, Sparrow Analytics SA would like to encourage all airpollution professionals to comply with regulatory requirements and provide reliable data based on both academic and field calibration and testing.
Without this, it is impossible to get a correct picture of airquality airqualitymonitoring in today’s city. We invite all professionals to learn from Sparrow Analytics SA experience and collaborate.