How a cost-benefit analysis can help reduce emissions in the transport sector!

We live in the era of Big Data. One of the challenges we face in reducing emissions is converting technical information (big data) into actionable materials that help people or organizations shape strategies.

Cost-benefit analysis serves two purposes: to verify that the benefits of an investment (or project) outweigh the costs, and to compare different costs. 

The Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities (CALAC+) project has developed three tools to help evaluate emission reduction strategies and plans using the cost-benefit method.

1. The benefits of better air for people and the environment

Hebash tool: 

2. Emission standards for non-road mobile machinery

Hemaq tool:

3. Emission standards for new vehicle technologies

Hetrans tool:

Sparrow is a unique turnkey solution that measures more than 15 different parameters without investing in new infrastructure, at street level, 24/7 and creates Big Data as a result. Once Big Data is collected, we incorporate it into an urban development strategy for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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