Even chess players who think they can beat everything, can not beat the invisible air pollution!

There have been many studies which explore the effect air pollution has on cognition. This time, scholars studied the performance of 121 chess players in three seven-round tournaments in Germany in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The researchers found out that, when the air pollution was worse, the chess players performed even more poorly when under […]
Sparrow Unique Methodology – Detect | Monitor | Analyse

Sparrow Unique Methodology – Detect | Monitor | Analyse
Smart City Expo 2022

Maxim Interbrick, Will attend as a panelist at Episode #17: Emergency responses in smart cities: Driving resilience in the post-
New urban Superhero!

Sparrow Analytics SA is evolving and reaching the next stage. Thanks to all partners, friends and supporters we have
SparrowNews June 1, 2022

Here at Sparrow Analytics SA, we have some great news for the coming month. June is likely to be our month.
Sparrow Analytics SA at MWC Barcelona

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